Welcome to
2023 Architecture & Crafts
With great pleasure I make this post for my website, very happy of showing you the results of our educational work for the year 2023!

The collaboration with the Round Table of Architecture is very fruitful, and the creators of the Summer School of Bruges—Nadia Everard & Noé Morin— seem very satisfied of the results and willing to continue the teamwork with me.
Through the following page, on the site of the Round Table of Architecture, you can find a brief summary of what we did during the 7 weeks of courses and workshops in the domain of Castle Mariahove in Bellem (Aalter, Oost-Vlaanderen).
I hope that it may interest you, stimulate your love for tradition and our cultural roots and —why not— inspire some architectural project!
I also take advantage of the opportunity to greet Léon Krier, a great traditional architect and spiritual master with whom I get really good along with (by the way thank You for signing all my books!).
Riccardo Buratti

Click the image to read the article

Below, the summing-up video of the whole summer architectural adventure, which you can also find in the previously linked page:

Posted: 01/10/2023 17:52 — Author(s): Riccardo Buratti